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As we age, changes in the face and neck can be the most noticeable, including wrinkles, fine lines, creases and folds. A neck lift reverses these conditions, smoothing out the skin for a more elegant aesthetic.

What is involved in a neck lift?

Neck lift surgery, also known as platysmaplasty, is a surgical procedure performed in the neck area that smooths skin, redistribute fat deposits and tightens the neck muscles, known as the platysma, to create a tighter contour and achieve a more youthful appearance. Aging, weight fluctuations and weakening of the muscles in the neck area often causes skin dropping and an unappealing appearance for both men and women.

The plastic surgeons at the Canadian Plastic Surgery Centre in Toronto can help individuals scale back these signs and restore a more youthful look in the neck contours.

Neck lift at a glance

  • Summary: A neck lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the neck area that restores a tighter and more youthful look to patients. This surgery smooths the loose skin, redistributes fat deposits and tightens muscles in the neck and to eliminate double chins and improve contours of the neck.

  • Alternative names: Platysmaplasty

  • Length of surgery: 2-3 hours

  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia

  • Recovery period: 1-2 weeks off from work and 2-3 weeks before resuming strenuous physical activity

What causes my skin to age and droop?

Aging in the skin is often influenced by many different environmental and genetic factors. The most common factors that causes aging of the skin include: genetics, gravity, sun exposure, and smoking. The gradual exposure these environmental factors can often result in a expedited loss of elasticity in the skin, muscle tone and the accumulation of redundant skin and fat tissues in the neck area as a result of gravity.

While a good skin care regiment is essential and limiting exposure to environmental factors can also help slow the effects of skin aging, aging of the skin is inevitable. A neck lift surgery can help remove the effects of skin aging that has accumulated in the neck area, giving you a more refreshed uplifted look and a smoother, tight neck contour.

Suitable candidates for a neck lift

At the Canadian Plastic Surgery Centre, patients are carefully assessed to provide patients with the best surgical options to help meet your aesthetic goals. Good candidates for neck lift should be in overall good health and are non-smokers or are willing to quit smoking 4 weeks before the surgery.

Additional factors that make you a great candidate are:

  • Loose and slack skin in the neck
  • Jowls caused by gravity pulling down fat and skin
  • Patient's with double chin due to fat accumulation under the chin

Even if you don't precisely exhibit one of these traits but you feel that a neck lift would be beneficial to your self-image, then please schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. During your initial consultation, they will examine your concerns and determine whether a neck lift surgery or other alternative treatments will help you meet your aesthetic goals.

Your neck lift procedure

A neck lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed under either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The incisions and procedure is customized to the needs of the patient.

For individuals with minimal skin draping and only have fatty deposits creating a double chin like contour, liposuction and skin tightening can produce optimal results. For individuals with severe draping of the skin and loosening of the muscles in the neck area, a larger incision around the back of the ears and/or under the chin is made to reduce scarring. Next the neck muscle is pulled tighter to produce a sharper contour around the chin area and a tight neck contour. Lastly, excess fat, with out without the used of liposuction, and skin is removed and the skin is re-draped over the neck and the incisions are closed tightly with sutures.

Recovery time for a neck lift surgery is usually short over 2-3 weeks.

Most patients experience mild discomfort for up to a week, which can be mitigated with proper compression techniques as well as over-the-counter pain medication.

Swelling and bruising in the neck may last for up to a month but is usually under control within 1-2 weeks. You should be able to engage in regular activities by the end of two weeks.

After a month, there should be no swelling, bruising or lingering side effects.

If you have any questions about the recovery process, please don't hesitate to contact us and the staff at the Canadian Plastic Surgery Centre will gladly answer any questions.

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