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Overly large breasts can cause a host of physical problems such as pain and discomfort. Our Toronto breast reduction procedure removes excess fat, skin and tissue, and reshapes the breasts so that they are more proportionate to the rest of the body. The result is a more youthful and attractive upper body silhouette and a relief from pain and discomfort.

Breast reduction at a glance

  • Summary: Breast reduction surgery is a procedure for women who are seeking relief from neck and shoulder pain or strain as a results of excessively large breast.

  • Alternative names: Reduction mammoplasty

  • Length of surgery: 2-3 hours

  • Anesthesia: General

  • Recovery period: 1-2 weeks off from work and 4-6 weeks before resuming physical activity

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a reconstructive surgical procedure performed on women who experience medical problems caused by large breasts. Women who have disproportionately large breast often suffer from back or shoulder pain and are more likely to experience stress injuries when participating in sports or exercise.

They also experience chafing or skin irritation resulting from the pull of a bra strap as well as irritation and infections in the breast fold. Breast reduction surgery results in lighter more proportionate breast to alleviate the symptoms experience as a result of their breast size.

Will my breast reduction be covered under OHIP?

Breast reduction surgeries performed for medical reasons as listed above will be covered under OHIP. However, you must meet the criteria outlined by the Ministry of Health and this will be discussed with you in detail during your Toronto breast reduction consultation.

Can breast reduction be combined with other procedures?

Breast reduction is strictly the removal of excess fat and skin in the breasts and this can sometimes result in a disproportionate look and feel especially if the patient has excess skin and soft tissue beneath the arms and in the back.

At the Canadian Plastic Surgery Centre, breast reduction surgery is always combined with other cosmetic components, such as liposuction of the axillae and the sides of the breasts, to provide patients with the best aesthetic outcomes possible that is well balanced.

What is breast ptosis?

Ptosis is a medical term that describes sagging of the breast which is a natural consequence of aging. Factors that contribute to ptosis include cigarette smoking, number of pregnancies, breast size and gravity, as well as weight fluctuations. Women after menopause may experience a higher degree of ptosis due to the loss of elasticity in their skin.

The degree of ptosis is classified by plastic surgeons in relation to the inframammary fold which influences the surgical procedure and degree of reconstruction needed for breast reductions.

What happens during Toronto breast reduction?

The breast lift procedure takes around 2-3 hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, a keyhole incision is made around the nipple and down the lower pole of the breasts in the middle. Excess skin, fat and tissue from the breast area is removed and both the nipple and the aerolar complex below it is elevated to create more shapely and tighter breasts with a rounded contour. Once this is done, the incisions in breasts are closed. Following the procedure, the breasts will be smaller, more aesthetically pleasing, and more comfortable, since a lot of the stress on the back, neck and shoulders is reduced. Scarring from the procedure is usually minimal.

What will my recovery be like?

Breast reduction surgery requires some recovery time before you can get back to your normal, day-to-day activities. Immediately following the surgery, you will be restricted as to the amount and level of your activity. Most women are able to return to work and engage in light activities after 1-2 weeks. You should avoid bending over or lifting objects greater than 5 lbs for roughly another 4 weeks. The total recovery time after breast reduction surgery is generally 4-6 weeks.

The recovery process also requires follow-up appointments that will be scheduled at 1, 3 and 6 weeks after the surgery for continual management and proper post-operative care.

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